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The Royal British Legion Club Crowthorne is a vital part of the community and membership is open to all, not just military.

To join the Club, first you must join the Royal British Legion nationally :
0800 307 7773
RBL membership yearly is £18 ; Club membership yearly is £12
Once you receive your RBL membership card, bring it to the Club on a Tuesday or Friday lunchtime and we will join you in Club membership.
Any queries, send an email to

We not only offer entertainment but a great environment to come and meet new people and socialise.
We have a range of activities: snooker tables, bowling green, darts, crib, bingo, bridge and line dancing.
Home cooked food available, take a look at our bar menu and we also do specials on Tuesdays and Fridays and a great roast on a Sunday.

To support the Club, you can join Bracknell Forest Lottery where every ticket you buy gives us 50% back in funds